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Sunday 25 January 2015

C Language Interview Questions and answers

1) Who invented C Language?
Dennis Ritchie in 1972 developed a new language by inheriting the features of both BCPL and B and adding additional features. He named the language as just C

2) Who invented B Language?
Ken Thomson at AT&T Bell Labs developed a language and named it B. Even the B language was found to have some short comings to support development of both business applications and system software.

3) Who invented BCPL Language?
Basic Combined Programming Language(BCPL) was developed by Martin Richards, Cambridge university.

4) Why C Language?
C is one of the high level languages. It is a general purpose language, which means it can be used to write programs of any sort.

5) What are the features of C Langauges?
  • In C one can write programs like that of high level languages as in COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN etc. as well as it permits very close interaction with the inner workings of the computer.
  • It is a general purpose programming language. It is usually called system programming language but equally suited to writing a variety of applications.
  • It supports various data types
  • It follows the programming style based on fundamental control flow constructions for structured programming
  • Functions may be pre–defined or user defined and they may return values of basic types, structures, unions or pointers.