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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Five Cool Things to Know About Action Items

An action item is an ad-hoc work activity that requires follow-up execution. By their nature, action items normally cannot be planned for in advance. They arise on an as needed basis during meetings or as a by-product of working on something else. There is no Knowledge Area in the PMBOK Guide for managing action items, but they can be important to the smooth running of the project. By their nature they generally fall under time management.
1.      An action item is assigned because there is not enough knowledge, expertise or time to resolve the item at the time it originally surfaced.
2.      Action items need to be assigned, worked on later and completed. (If they are not going to be completed, they should not be called action items. Instead, simply note that the item will not be completed.) Examples of action items include forwarding specific information to someone, arranging a meeting and providing a quick estimate on a piece of work. 
3.      Sometimes an action item is established to investigate an area where there may be a potential problem. Because of this, action items are sometimes called "issues". However, this is not right. An issue is a problem which will have a detrimental impact on the project if left unresolved. Issues are not the same as action items.
4.      Trivial action items may be tracked and managed with a standalone Action Item Log. If the action item came from a meeting, you can create a section in your meeting minutes for action items. These trivial action items are usually less than two hours of effort and are scheduled to be completed by the next meeting. If you use this technique you can start each meeting with a review of the prior action items to validate that they are completed and then cross them off the list. 
5.      If the action item is non-trivial (greater than two effort hours) you should add them as activities in the project schedule. A resource and end-date are assigned as well, and the activity is then managed and tracked as any normal schedule activity. This is the better approach to follow, because it keeps the work activities in one place and allows the project manager to enforce the discipline of knowing ‘if it’s not on the schedule, it will not be worked on.’ This approach also allows the project manager to see the impact of the action items on the schedule. For instance, you may have a small action item that is 4 hours of work. If you assign this action item to a person on the critical path, you will see the resulting delay to your project. This may result in you assigning the action item to someone else instead.
In many cases, action items are trivial in nature, but in other cases they can require substantial work to complete. Projects tend to generate lots of them and you need some method to track and close them to ensure the project work continues to run smoothly.
Resource planning templates and more. Get your project started quickly with a pre-built set of great project management templates. Buy now and use immediately.

Monday 29 September 2014

Networking Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is a Link?
A link refers to the connectivity between two devices. It includes the type of cables and protocols used in order for one device to be able to communicate with the other.

2) What are the layers of the OSI reference model?
There are 7 OSI layers: Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer, Presentation Layer and Application Layer.

3) What is backbone network?
A backbone network is a centralized infrastructure that is designed to distribute different routes and data to various networks. It also handles management of bandwidth and various channels.

4) What is a LAN?
LAN is short for Local Area Network. It refers to the connection between computers and other network devices that are located within a small physical location.

5) What is a node?
A node refers to a point or joint where a connection takes place. It can be computer or device that is part of a network. Two or more nodes are needed in order to form a network connection.

6) What are routers?
Routers can connect two or more network segments. These are intelligent network devices that store information in its routing table such as paths, hops and bottlenecks. With this info, they are able to determine the best path for data transfer. Routers operate at the OSI Network Layer.

7) What is point to point link?
It refers to a direct connection between two computers on a network. A point to point connection does not need any other network devices other than connecting a cable to the NIC cards of both computers.

8) What is anonymous FTP?
Anonymous FTP is a way of granting user access to files in public servers. Users that are allowed access to data in these servers do not need to identify themselves, but instead log in as an anonymous guest.

9) What is subnet mask?
A subnet mask is combined with an IP address in order to identify two parts: the extended network address and the host address. Like an IP address, a subnet mask is made up of 32 bits.

10) What is the maximum length allowed for a UTP cable?
A single segment of UTP cable has an allowable length of 90 to 100 meters. This limitation can be overcome by using repeaters and switches.

11) What is data encapsulation?
Data encapsulation is the process of breaking down information into smaller manageable chunks before it is transmitted across the network. It is also in this process that the source and destination addresses are attached into the headers, along with parity checks.

12) Describe Network Topology
Network Topology refers to the layout of a computer network. It shows how devices and cables are physically laid out, as well as how they connect to one another.

13) What is VPN?
VPN means Virtual Private Network, a technology that allows a secure tunnel to be created across a network such as the Internet. For example, VPNs allow you to establish a secure dial-up connection to a remote server.

14) Briefly describe NAT.
NAT is Network Address Translation. This is a protocol that provides a way for multiple computers on a common network to share single connection to the Internet.

15) What is the job of the Network Layer under the OSI reference model?
The Network layer is responsible for data routing, packet switching and control of network congestion. Routers operate under this layer.

16) How does a network topology affect your decision in setting up a network?
Network topology dictates what media you must use to interconnect devices. It also serves as basis on what materials, connector and terminations that is applicable for the setup.

17) What is RIP?
RIP, short for Routing Information Protocol is used by routers to send data from one network to another. It efficiently manages routing data by broadcasting its routing table to all other routers within the network. It determines the network distance in units of hops.

18) What are different ways of securing a computer network?
There are several ways to do this. Install reliable and updated anti-virus program on all computers. Make sure firewalls are setup and configured properly. User authentication will also help a lot. All of these combined would make a highly secured network.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Is Technology Changing Project Management?

I was asked a while ago whether technology was changing project management. It seems like technology is changing faster and faster all the time. But is technology changing project management to any degree?
This is an interesting question. Certainly, there are a couple aspects of projects where technology comes into play. First, many projects are becoming more and more technically complex. This is true for many projects - IT, pharma, engineering, finance, etc. It seems like many projects have some tool or technology component. However, this is not a project management matter, but it is a characteristic of the products we are building and the project tools we are using. 
Second, the tools we use for project management are changing. This includes tools for  scheduling, risk management, communications and more. Client-server tools have
replaced mainframe tools, which have all been replaced by web tools. Today, many of the project management tools run in the cloud. The tools have also become more complex to satisfy the needs of project managers today.

There is a lot of discussion today about Agile methodologies. These rely on light processes to deliver solutions more quickly through short iterations. Many of these Agile projects are technology projects, but the project management approach is driven more by philosophy rather than by technology. In fact, the project management aspect of Agile actually discourages the use of software tools and focuses on simple manual processes.  
All that being said, in my opinion, the actual project management discipline has not changed that much based strictly on technology drivers. You still have to manage scope. You still have issues to resolve. You still have to manage risks, etc. The various aspects of planning and managing work as a project do not necessarily change based on the technology. For example, it is true that there are new technologies for helping you build and manage a schedule. But the basic mechanics of building and managing a schedule have not really changed.
There may be some aspects of communication that have been affected by technology. Technology has given us the ability to communicate faster and in more real-time. There are also better tools for collaboration and sharing. This may be an area where technology has affected to fundamentals of project management.
So, to answer the question from the beginning of the article - has technology changed project management? In my opinion - not so much. The nature of the projects themselves may be impacted by technology, but the fundamentals of planning, cost management, schedule management, risk management, scope management, etc. have not changed so much. Project management is process-driven. Although technology has impacted the automation and speed of these processes, I think the fundamental nature of project management has not been changed much by technology. 

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5 Ways To Manage Your Time

You'll get more done in less time!
#1. Timesheets
First, think about where your time is going. Do you really know what you work on all day? Timesheets will show you exactly how much time you spend pulling together reports or responding to emails. Then there's the 5 minute break to check Facebook that turns into 20 minutes...

Start tracking your time so you know where it's going. This will help you prioritize and ensure you are self-aware when it comes to managing your time.
#2. Task lists
Many people get off to a slow start in the mornings because they are wondering what their priorities should be and thinking about what they should be doing. Task lists resolve this. A clear list will tell you exactly what you need to work on. If you add in a column for dates it will also tell you what needs to be completed by when, which is a huge help when it comes to scheduling the top priority tasks first.

The task list feature built into ProjectManager.com makes it simple to create and update your tasks from wherever you are. Even if you are travelling, if you've got an internet connection you can quickly add a new task to the list (or tick one off) with the handy mobile app.
#3. Milestones
Milestones are a good way to manage your time as they focus the mind! Put some milestones on your project plan and review them regularly. As you are coming up to the deadline, make sure that all your work is aligned with the objective of getting it done and hitting that date.

Most milestones relate to project tasks but you can also create personal milestones on your calendar to remind you about scheduled dates for other tasks on your task list.
#4. Automation
Project managers tell us that preparing reports is one of the things that takes the most time each month. There's getting status updates from team members, preparing the data, checking it, formatting it, reviewing statistics from other systems, then checking it again and sending it to the stakeholders. It takes forever!

Automate your reporting (and anything else) as much as you can. Set up templates that pull data from your project management software and show you status in real-time. Everything that is automated is one less job for you to do.
#5. Saying no!
Finally, say no! You don't have to do everything that is asked of you, and sometimes you simply can't take on more work. If you don't feel that you can say no to a request, ask your manager or project sponsor what they want you to drop. "I'm working on X, Y and Z right now. Which of those should I move to the bottom of the priority list so I can take on A and B as well?"

If it isn't feasible or reasonable to get everything done, then negotiate priorities with your stakeholders so that you aren't overloaded and they appreciate what can realistically be done in the time available.
Try these 5 tips for managing your time and see how many extra hours you can find in a day!
It's easy with ProjectManager.com. The system is fully automated and manages reports and timesheets for you. It leaves you free to work on critical project tasks and tick things off on your To Do list.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Hiding "Subscribe to Post (Atom)" at the bottom of your blog

By default, Blogger puts the "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" item on at the bottom of every screen of posts in blogs with Layout or Designer templates.

So you may want to remove it from your blog and replace it with a nicer-looking RSS-subscription button.

How to remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" from your blog:

  1. Edit your template
  2. Find this code in your template:

<!-- feed links-->
<b:include name='feedLinks'/>

3        Replace it with this code:

<!-- feed links
<b:include name='feedLinks'/>   -->

What you have done is to comment-out the code:  the "-->" is the "end of comment" command in HTML.

This approach is better than "hiding" the link by making it the same colour as your background (which could be seen as trying to hide things from the search-engines).  It won't have any negative effect on your blog's performance, and you can undo it very easily by moving the end-of-comment text back again.

Saturday 9 August 2014

How Big is a Project in Your Organization?

Projects are not routine. They are managed differently than routine operational work. Projects have a start and end-date. There is a point in time when the work did not exist (before the project), when it does exist (the project), and when it does not exist again (after the project). This is the key determinant of whether a piece of work is a project.
Other characteristics of a project include:
·  All projects are unique. They may be similar to prior projects but they are unique in terms of timeframes, resources, business environment, etc.
·  Projects result in the creation of one or more deliverables.
·  Projects have assigned resources - either full-time, part-time or both. This is reflected in a true budget or an implicit budget based on allocated resources.
·  Projects have a defined scope of work.
That being said, you need to be practical. In theory, projects can be one hour, 100 hours or 10,000 hours (or more). So, you must recognize that, although the creation of a small deliverable is a project, it does not need the structure and discipline of a much larger project. For a one-hour project, you 'just do it'. Any planning, analysis and design is all done in your head. A 100 hour project probably has too much work to plan and manage all in your head. For instance, you need to start defining the work and building a simple schedule. A 10,000 hour project needs full project management discipline.
Our model for scaling projects is to use a scale of small, medium and large. We use effort hours as the key criteria for sizing projects. This seems to be a true complexity factor. Duration is not a good factor since it varies depending upon the resources committed. For example, a 100 hour project could take 20 weeks if you can only spend five hours a week. The basic scale is as follows.
·  Small Project - less than 250 effort hours
·  Medium project - between 251 and 2500 effort hours
·  Large project - over 2500 effort hours
In your company, the effort hours for categorizing projects may be different. However, in general, smaller projects need very little rigor and structure. Larger projects need more structure.
Summary. The definition of a project covers work that could be as little as a minute. However, no organization is going to track one minute projects, or one hour projects. Even though these are all technically projects, your organization should have a minimum threshold that you use before you consider the work to be an official project. Our threshold is 250 hours. What is yours? 
Project templates. Define and manage scope on your project - plus much more.Get your project started quickly with a pre-built set of great project management templates. Buy now and use immediately.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

How to add CSS Template in ASP.Net Master Page

In this article, I shall teach you how to add CSS template in Asp.net Master Page. CSS Template makes our website very attractive. So let’s go to learn our step by step tutorial.

Step 1: Start a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional.

Step 2: Create a New website project. 

Step 3: Download CSS Template

Step4: Extract the CSS Template Zip Folder. Template files look like this.

Step 5: Select the template script folder and copy the script files like this.

Step 6: Now go to our website project . In solution explorer right-click on script folder and paste the script files in it. Look the view below.

Step 7: Select the CSS Styles files from template style folder and copied all files. Look the view below.

Step 8: Again go to the website project. In solution explorer right-click on style folder and paste the CSS files in it.

Step 9: Copy the image folder from the template folder. In solution explorer right-click on website project name and paste the image folder in it.

Step 10: Right Click on website project name>Add New item.

Step 11: Select master page from the menu. And write the name of master page. And click on add button. A master page is added in your project.

Step 12:Excluding the first line of master page. Select the remaining html code of the master page.

Step 13: Remove the selected html code from master page. 

Step 14:Select the html source file from template folder and open it in notepad text editor.

Step 15:Select the complete html code from template webpage source file. And Copy the complete source code.

Step 16:Now select the master page.

Step 17: Paste the html code in master page.

Step 18: Select master page design view mode. And look the view.

Step 19: Select the Element tag from design view that you want to delete. And press delete key from keyboard.

Step 20: After deleting the unwanted element of webpage the final view like this.

Step 21: Add content placeholder in template. A message box appear and press yes.

Step 22: Add a webpage in the project .Select the master page from check box. And click add.

Step 23: Select the master page and click ok

Step 24: Webpage is added in your project. Go into design view of webpage. And add some text in contentplaceholder.

Step 25: Start debugging. A Confirmation message box appear and click ok.

Step 26: Look the final result in browser.

Hope this will help you.

Saturday 2 August 2014

How-To Remove the Dashed Line Above Blogger's Footer

Go to TEMPLATE » EDIT HTML and search (CTRL+F) your template's code for:

.footer-outer {  border-top: $(footer.bevel) dashed #bbbbbb;}

Then replace the above-mentioned code with:

.footer-outer {  border-top: $(footer.bevel) dashed #ffffff;}

Friday 1 August 2014

How To Remove Blogger Attribution Gadget

The Attribution gadget is the gadget in the footer that says "Powered By Blogger". If you have tried to remove this then you may of noticed this gadget is locked into you blog. To unlock it, follow the next steps:

Step 1. Log in to your Dashboard, go to Template > Edit HTML

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press the CTRL + F keys to open the Blogger' search box

Step 3. Type or paste the following tag inside the search box then hit Enter to find it:


Step 4. Just above </head> add this code:

#Attribution1 {
display: none;

Step 5. Click on the Save Template button to save the changes.

Friday 18 July 2014

Two Major Elements of Project Scope

Defining scope is perhaps the most important part of the initial definition and planning process. If you don’t know what you are delivering and what the boundaries of the project are, you have no chance for success. If you have not done a good job of defining scope, managing scope will be almost impossible.
Most people understand what scope means, but many struggle trying to actually define the scope of a project. It is easiest if you remember there are two major aspects of defining scope on your project – deliverables and boundaries.
·  The deliverables. All projects produce deliverables. (These are sometimes called the "products" produced by the project.) Even if you are not sure what else to include in your scope definition, you should always include your deliverables. Understanding the deliverables you are building goes a long way to understanding the scope of the project. There are many deliverables that could be listed, but you should focus on the final deliverables of the project - not necessarily the internal deliverables produced as a part of delivering the final solution.  
·  Project boundaries. The scope boundary statements are used to define what is within the boundaries of the project and what is outside those boundaries. The more boundaries you can identify, the better off your project will be. You would not need to state that some aspect of the project was in-scope unless you could also contrast that with some aspect that is out of scope. The nature of a true boundary statement is that there is both an in-scope and a relevant out-of-scope counterpart. For example.  
o        The major life-cycle processes that are in scope and out of scope. For instance, your project may include the Analysis Phase only and not the Design, Construct or Test Phases. Or perhaps your project is performing research, but you are not going to develop the results. These would be examples of using boundary statements to clearly state what your project is responsible for, and what is out of scope. 
o        The organizations that are in scope and out of scope. In some cases, the organizations involved in the project help to define the boundaries. For instance, your project may be applicable to the Human Resources and Accounting Departments, but the Manufacturing Division might be out of scope. Or perhaps your project is only impacting the corporate office while the field offices are out of scope.
o        The major functionality that is in scope and out of scope. This might be a good boundary if you were delivering less than full functionality. For instance, decision support and management reporting might be in scope, while overnight batch processing might be out of scope. Or perhaps financial reporting is in-scope for your project, but Human Resources reporting is out of scope.
What do you need to remember? First - scope is defined as deliverables and boundaries. Deliverables are the things you build during the project. Boundaries are statements that describe the project in terms of in-scope and out-of-scope. 
Define and manage scope on your project - plus much more. Get your project started quickly with a pre-built set of great project management templates

How to Work More Effectively

With more teams working in different offices, travelling and working at home these days, the chances are that some of your team members don't work in the same building as you from time to time. This can present a challenge: how can you work with them when you can't meet them physically?
Online collaboration tools are the easiest way to work effectively with people on a project, wherever you are. There are even benefits if you are all based in the same office space. So here are 5 tips to help you...
Tip 1: Keep all your discussions online
One of the most effective ways of working is to move everything online. Online collaboration software can help you do this, as it is designed for running projects on the web. The benefit of having all your project information and discussions online is that everyone can see the latest status at any time. You can even move your emails online into the software that you are using so that the whole discussion trail is in one place.

Tip 2: Use instant messaging
Instant messaging is great for getting the answer to a quick question, or checking if one of your colleagues is available for a longer discussion. You can archive your messaging trail securely online so that if you need to refer to it later it's there in your project files. It's faster and easier than email and once you start using it you'll never look back.

Tip 3: Share pictures
Do you know what all your team members look like? That might sound like a silly question, but if you are working with colleagues overseas or even in a different office, you may never have met them. Even if you have met them, chances are someone on your team has only ever talked to them on the phone. Upload photos to your team area so that you can see each other. It's easier to collaborate if you can put a face to a name!

Tip 4: Upload files
Stop sending huge email attachments by uploading all your core project files to a central online location. Using a document repository like this means that everyone always has access to the latest version, which can be a massive time-saver. It also means that people don't get frustrated looking for the latest copy and your IT department will be very happy that you aren't using your inbox as a document store!

Tip 5: Share calendars
It can be difficult to collaborate with team members if you don't know where they are. Sharing calendars means you can check if they are on leave or out of the office, and schedule meetings appropriately. You can also put key project milestones in the calendar so that everyone knows what is coming up without having to look at the project schedule. Make sure that you keep your own calendar up-to-date as well and include all the national holidays that are appropriate for your international team members, so you know when their offices are likely to be closed.

Using the collaboration features of ProjectManager.com is the easiest way to work effectively with your project team. Start discussions, share files, allocate tasks to each other and use instant messaging. As it is all online, you can store the conversations securely in your project files.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

How to Use XML File to Store Data and Retrieve Data Using ASP.Net With C#

Introduction: This article explains how to use a XML file to store and retrieve data dynamically using ASP.NET with C#.  This article will also help to create child nodes in a XML file using ASP.NET. 
Use the following procedure to create a simple application (BookStore) for storing data to and retrieving data from a XML file.

Step 1: Create an ASP.NET project add one web web form and add the following controls:

Control Id
tbTitle TextBox Control To enter the title of the book.
tbAuthor TextBox Control To enter the Author Name of the book.
tbYear TextBox Control To enter the publishing year of the book.
tbPrice TextBox Control To enter the price of the book.
btnSubmit Button Control To Submit the data.
gvBookStoreRecords GridView Control To display data of XML File

I have designed my aspx page like as in the following:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>  
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  
<head runat="server">  
    <style type="text/css">  
        .auto-style1 {  
            text-align: right;  
            width: 75px;  
    <form id="form1" runat="server">  
            <br />  
            <table style="width: 100%;">  
                    <td class="auto-style1">Title:</td>  
                        <asp:TextBox ID="tbTitle" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
                    <td class="auto-style1">Author:</td>  
                        <asp:TextBox ID="tbAuthor" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
                    <td class="auto-style1">Year:</td>  
                        <asp:TextBox ID="tbYear" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> 
                    <td class="auto-style1">Price:</td>  
                        <asp:TextBox ID="tbPrice" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
                    <td class="auto-style1"> </td>  
                        <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit"  />  
            <asp:GridView ID="gvBookStoreRecords" runat="server" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None">  
                <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#284775" />  
                <EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" />  
                <FooterStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />  
                <HeaderStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />  
                <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />  
                <RowStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" ForeColor="#333333" />  
                <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" />  
                <SortedAscendingCellStyle BackColor="#E9E7E2" />  
                <SortedAscendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#506C8C" />  
                <SortedDescendingCellStyle BackColor="#FFFDF8" />  
                <SortedDescendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#6F8DAE" />  

And as in the code above I designed the page as in the following:

Step 2: Add an XML file within the project solution, provide it the name BookStore.xml. Create a root node in it as in the following:

Step 3: On the click event of the btnSubmit (Button that we have placed at aspx page) write the following code:

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // creating object of XML DOCument class  
    XmlDocument XmlDocObj = new XmlDocument();  
    //loading XML File in memory  
    //Select root node which is already defined  
    XmlNode RootNode = XmlDocObj.SelectSingleNode("bookstore");  
    //Creating one child node with tag name book  
    XmlNode bookNode = RootNode.AppendChild(XmlDocObj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "book"""));  
    //adding node title to book node and inside it data taking from tbTitle TextBox  
    bookNode.AppendChild(XmlDocObj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Title""")).InnerText = tbTitle.Text;  
    //adding node Author to book node and inside it data taking from tbAuthor TextBox  
    bookNode.AppendChild(XmlDocObj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Author""")).InnerText = tbAuthor.Text;  
    //adding node Year to book node and inside it data taking from tbYear TextBox  
    bookNode.AppendChild(XmlDocObj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Year""")).InnerText = tbYear.Text;  
    //adding node tbPrice to book node and inside it data taking from tbPrice TextBox  
    bookNode.AppendChild(XmlDocObj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Price""")).InnerText = tbPrice.Text;  
    //after adding node, saving BookStore.xml back to the server  
    //Calling grid view binding method.  

Step 4: Create a gridDataBind Method to retrieve the data from the XML file:

public void gridDataBind()    
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();    
        //reading data from the BookStore.xml...    
        //Adding dataset ds as a datasource of the grid view...    
        gvBookStoreRecords.DataSource = ds;    
        //binding data with grid view...    
Step 5: Now run the project and you will see the following outputs:

  1.  When the project loads the first time then:

After adding some data: